Thursday, December 21, 2006
Boring boooooring Blogs
In other news, planning a Christmas dinner now for me and Nicola and Tanya. I am so going to Homebase tonight to get some decorations!! Nicola is coming down on the 22nd so it will be a weekend of drinking from then on. Tanya is coming over on the 24th till Boxing day so hurrah for the more the merrier.
Otherwise, we had a secret santa here at work which only minorly relieved the boredom for a tiny while. Lots of people seemed to get shower gel and the like. I was no exception except mine was from the Body Shop where as lots of people got ones from Tesco. hahahaha.
Last night I went to Harrods with Alicia to get me in the festive kind of mood. It would have worked except it was depressing not being able to afford anything!! I was determined to buy something though so I got my Christmas pudding from there! Its 6 months old or something and apparently that makes it better but it was still the most expensive pudding I will ever buy. I also saw Louie Walsh, the X Factor judge, coming out with a big bag. My first celebrity spotted in London!! Alica also gave me the nicest neclace that she had made!!! What a champ!
The next few days is all getting final persents and Christmas card competions with my flatmates. I am in a healthy streak ahead but fingers crossed for more today. I actually cannot wiat to gt home. It has been FREEZING here the last few days. So cold that you can see your breath all day!! Apparently todays "high" is just 5!!. How insane. I swear that this hospital doubles as an industrial fridge. The lab is OK but as soon as you want to go for a walk somewhere else you have to bundle up in a coat and scarf or you will lose extremities.
Anyway this was only going to be short. I am in a chipper mood though so the festive smas spirit is making me chatty.
Will post Christmasy pics tomorrow!!
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas tree...
Well last week was a good one. I went out on Wednesday night with Anna and Nicole. We went for dinner which was nice, and planned and entire years worth of mini-weekend-breaks as we all hate our jobs at the moment and need some encouragement to get us to the New Year. We then ended up trying our hand at some of the attractions in Lecister square, without any success. I blame the wine we had consumed. It got to the stage of almost being charitable, the amount of money we were wasting! None of us won anything but to be fair, most of the toys look a little worse for wear as though they had been sitting there for awhile.
Friday night came and I was way way too exhausted to do anything. I have been running to Hammersmith or Shepherds bush almost every night to pick up one or two final things and I was exhausted! Didnt help that I got on the wrong bus leaving Hammersmith and so ended up on a bridge going I dont know where. Managed to get off without looking like I was lost and getting a bus back in the other direction. I came home Friday, call and then just collapsed into bed, oh with 2 Simpsons boxed sets to keep me company! I love them Simpsons!!
Saturday afternoon Anna and I braved the Oxford St crowds and managed to stay in the festive spirit which was amazing. I shamelessly kept pulling my camera out and taking photos of all the Christmas lights which I will attempt to load on here later. Some of them are sooooooo nice. I still havent seen the giant Norwegian tree, mostly because I have forgotten where in London it is. After gawping like a couple of wide eyed toursists, we went to a Chinese restaurant where the staff took in turns to be entirely over enthauastic or totally indifferent. Bit strange but nice. We went to an Irish pub after that where we met 3 nice Irish guys but sadly (or not, I am still not sure) we had tickets to go and see the beautiful Daniel Craig in the new James Bond movie. I give the movie 2 out of 5 but Daniel get about a 7 out of 5. Was worth it just for his icy stare.
Sunday was the laziest of lazy days yet. I fought the fear and went to the Asda and not the much closer but much less selection Iceland. I really really hate Asda and have found the only way I can brave it is if I go with my ipod plugged in and at full volume and then I dont have to hear children screaming or Christmas Carols or any other profanities. It wasnt even that busy so that made my day even better. For once I came out without feeling murderous. After that I had a lot of phone calls before getting to bed! In hindsight, I wish I had thought about what I was going to wear for New Year as I am definetly going to Dublin and now I dont know what to wear and am sure i have to buy something as all my new year dresses from previous years are designed for a much warmer climate. Hmmm. Will have to brave Christmas shops once AGAIN!
Like I mind!!
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Working nine to five...
I managed to get some more work in Guernsey and went back there for 3 weeks. Was good again but not as good as last time as it was dark so early there that I couldnt really do anything as I didnt want to get mowed down by a car when there is no pavement and barely any street lighting! Was nice nice to be earning though!
After 3 weeks there I was wierdly asked back to the job I originally had in London so that was convenient to get to, but also strange coming back. Most people just acted like I had been on holiday for the past 3 months and they just hadn't seen me! Although I have only been here for a week it feels like lifetime...roll on my brother visiting!!
Other than work I have been keeping a full schedule. Before leaving Guernsey I went for dinner with 2 ladies from work there which was nice. I had the most delicious steak ever and really did stuff myself. I also had entirely too much red wine so by the time I had to go home I was a bit fuzzy and also had to get straight to bed as I had to catch a plane back to London the next day. I managed to get to the airport OK, (unlike getting to Guernsey where I was the LAST person on the plane...they were about to do the "will the remaining passenger..." call. Had to walk past everyone to get to my seat, was mortifying).
After I got back and finally got to my room I had to do about 100 loads of laundry as I had left tons there, seeing as I left in a hurry, and had brought all mine back with me so that was a glam Saturday afternoon. Housework and non-drinking never lasts long though so after Anna came over to collect her mail I went with her to Primark and spent about £50 on what I do not know. That was enough to make anyone thirsty so it was off to the pub after that for dinner and yes more drinking! Sunday was uneventful as I wasnt feeling too well and so just hibernated in bed. I didnt really even bother tidying up all that much so it was a bit of a disaster on Monday morning trying to find clean clothes and make it to work on time. Luckily, or not, I remembered all the passwords and log-ons I had so I managed to slip right back in with no problems. Last week felt like I had never been away!
This past weekend was a good one. On Friday Tanya came over and we had a few drinks and watched a DVD as we had to get up at the crack of dawn the next day to go to Belgium for the Christmas markets for the day! It was truly awful getting up at 4am but I fell asleep on the bus down to Dover so that was not too bad. I still have a sore neck though! After the bus then the ferry then the bus again we finally got to Brugge and went to the Christmas markets there! It was so so so pretty, they had a big ice skating rink in the middle of it all and I partook in rather a lot of very festive mulled wine. I also bought some Christmasy stuff and obviously lots of chocolate. It was good fun as 6 of us were all there toghther so we wondered about and just had a nice festive day. At about 5 we caught the bus back to the ferry then back to Dover then back to London. It was awesome coming back into London with all the lights on, the London eye especially was looking very very nice in a kind of purple. Incidentally, Blue and Purple and their derivatives seem to be the colours of choice here at the moment, all the really fancy trees have been blue and I even bought al tiny Christmas tree for the lounge at home and its black with Purple and Pink glass baubles on them. Very cute.
Anyway, on Sunday I had a burger King craving so Tanya and I fed that obsession and did some shopping (I cannot resist Primark £4 pijamas)and then met up with another friend and we went into Lecister square and yes, yet again went to a pub and had some drinking. I forget where we went but it was not the pub I wanted which was called something like 'The Surgeons Scalpel'. After rather a lot of drinking and catching up, we went to dinner and then to see 'The Holiday' which made me want my own Jude Law, or at least my own festive boyfriend. And then the movie finished and I thought that maybe I didn't. There is a big fun fair kind of thing in Lecister Square at the moment and I really really wanted to go on some of the rides but it was late and really I thought I would be back there soon.
Phew and that brings me up to date! This weekend I almost want to go to the Christmas markets in York but I dont have anything else to buy so think I wont. There is some talk to going ice skating at the Tower of London on Saturday so will have to try and manage that. Also on the agenda is trying some of those rides and also booking my Christmas and New Year events. Its looking greatly like I will be going to Dublin for New Year which will be awesome but more on that late. As for jobs, I may also have more on that later but will have to seeeeeeeeeeeeeee....
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Actually I should have ended that sooner. First weekend I was back from holiday we took a new girl to the Walkabout in Shepherds Bush for a taste of what they are like. I personally use it as a kind of tool to remind me why I left the country, but it can be fun. It was a messy messy night. Lucky I live so close by. On he Sunday I caught up with a friend I hdan't seen for aaaaaaaages and we went for lunch. After that an inpromptue pub crawl began all over Covent Garden and Soho (yes just the 2 of us) which ended in some much too classy for us bar and a 16 quid plate of chicken strips on little sticks. Harder to eat than you might think after a pub crawl.
After that the next weekend was farewell drinks for another friend somewhere in Oxford Street. I was trying to be sensible and just drink half pints but they were only a pound and so that sensible attitude was not going to happen. Oh well I had good intentions.
This past weekend my cousin came down from Edinburgh to go and watch the All Blacks play at Twickenham and so we went out on the Saturday night. We started at a boat bar in the Thames (really is a boat, the swaying bothers you less after a few drinks) and then moved onto another Walkabout, this time the Temple one. Someone was there taking a lot of pics for I dont know what so I am in a lot of them. Not sure why. Also managed to slit my finger open on a large piece of glass (was trying to get it off the bottom of my boot!) but luckily some kindly gent rushed to get me a plaster and then gave me money to get a cab! I refused but he hailed one down also so was rude to refuse. If not a bit strange. Sunday saw the All Blacks game which I trecked to with another friend (I hate my tube line its always closed!) Was good fun, especially as I seemed to insult everyone else by supporting England but it amused me to do that. Sadly, the All Blacks won and I had it rubbed in my face. The only way I could shut everyone up was by pointing out that England has the world cup.
Anyway its almost time for 'Deal or no Deal'. I have seen ot so often that I am starting to know the participants by name. Its frightening.
Anyway I was going to include a pic of Croatia to show I did have a good holiday even if it is shite at the moment but I cant get it to load up. And even though I have unlimited time available to me I am sick of waiting!
Everyone cross your fingers and toes that anoter job comes to me soooooooooooooooooooooon....I need the cash for my holiday in January!
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Freaky internet thingy
I only got 4 out of 10.....
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Other than that though, I am actually really really excited to be back in London! I have been out Friday and Sunday night and there is just always so much happening! Friday was just some drinks at the local Walkabout but Sunday started as a lunch date that turned into a liquid dinner. A friend and I had an impromptu pub crawl and we were well into it by about 7! Lucky I was sober enough to get home correctly which is always a good thing. This unemployed drinking-on-a-Sunday behaviour must end though! It cannot continue, mostly because it is very expensive. I need a job so I can save to have a whole month off in January. Need need need. Problem is…there is always something to spend your money on here.
Want to check out something cool though?? Here is the link to my group shot that did the free Berlin tour together!
Sunday, October 15, 2006
So where I have been lately.....well I started by flying to Venice....managed to leave the airport without my bags...nice one Carol. Finally got them and spent 2 really nice days seeing the sights of Venice (again) and relaxing. From there it was off to Croatia. I felt cheated when I got there as no one had eve told me how incredibly beautiful it was! I went to Plitvice national park which has 16 aquamarine lakes all joined together via stunning waterfalls. Amazing and truly stunning. From there it was Dubrovnick....spent a fantastic day walking around the city walls. After that it was Split and then Zagreb. Both places it would have been nicer to spend a bit mroe time there. After that it was on to Budapest for me. Did a bus tour around the city and feel a bit of an expert now!! Unfortunately I was there on a Monday and all the museums are closed. Shame as there was an inner city building that had all its windows boarded that was used as a prison during the holocust. Freaky. From there it was onto to Prague which if possible is even more beautiful than what you can imagine. There is the largest Synagog in Europe there but I spent more time looking at local artwork and bought 4 paintings. Hmmm. Will be nice when I am homeless!! After that was Berlin!! Now I already love Germany and have a desire to learn German and Berlin has increased that desire a LOT! It was a fantastic city! I did a free tour (if anyone is going to Berlin I cannot recommend them highly enough..they work for tips only and are fantistic...type Berlin free tour into Google) I felt like I got so much information from her i didnt do much else as was all a bit of a rush and now am in Amsterdam today! Brilliant!
Anyway this is a lightening explanation as to why I have dropped off the planet lately! Also I forgot my address book so the only people who got postcards are the ones whos addreses I could remember. Sorry!
OK off to a coffee house now!
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Movin' on
I finish here in Guernsey tomorrow!! I cant believe that I have been here for 2 months already! Time is really flying this year.
Tomorrow I finish here at 4pm and then quickly fly to London and then have to get the train home and pack then back out to the airport to catch a flight to Venice! I am really excited!! From there I go to Croatia, Slovenia then Hungary then to Prague, Berlin and Amsterdam before ending back in London! Hopefully then I will have another job!! Its a bit freaky going on holiday when you dont have a job but its also kind of exciting (hopefully not in a stupid way!)
Hopefully i can get another locum job for awhile while I decide what to do about a proper job. I like locum work but I have serious issues about finding another job all the time! It does not relax me at all.
Anyway, having been to every museum on the Island I can say that I think the Lonely planet should dedicate more than half a page to Guernsey and the other islands. On Saturday night the department went out for dinner in Herm. We got a boat over and then had a fantastic roast dinner...yourshire pudding included. I still dont know what that is for. If anyone knows please let me know! Anyway we got the boat back at about 11pm and it was just fantastic! There was a major lightening storm in Jersey and we could see they lights in the distance and every so often the whole sea was lit up with the lightening. I felt like I was in the middle of nowhere! That had a scary element to it also, but most thrilling. By the time I got back to St Martins the storm was coming to Guernsey and had just started to rain. It was wild all night after that, thank god we missed it on the boat.
Other that that, i went to the underground hospital here. It was REALLy really scary. Much of it was in pitch black and I was there alone so kept trying to slow down or hurry up so that I wasnt alone. Some of the beds were still there and it was very very freaky, you could imagine it being used as a hospital. I took lots of pictures into the pitch black incase I caught a picture of a ghost or something that I could sell to one of those trashy womens mag, but on review of the pics it seems like they are just back and nothing else! Oh well. I also made it to the little chapel, sp called as its like a minature Disneyland-ish chapel. The entire thing is decorated in chips of plates etc in a mosaic style. Now recently, this year infact, I have seen a lot of chapels, churches and the like and this one was one of the best!! Ok so I did smack my head going down the stairs but it was just so quaint it was unbelieveable! I do have pics of this also, as soon as I get my computer up and running they are all going on here i promise!
Anyway, leaving here tomorrow and I havent packed a thing! Nothing like organisation! Should be fine I am sure! Will no doubt be overweight at the airport but nothing I can do about that till tomorrow. Then I am off!
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Sexual Feelings..
I dont know but to me a pilot is one of those jobs that is done by a man. I feel the same about doctors and lawyers, fireman and police. I think I am sexist....certainly not a feminist. I am not saying woman CAN'T do those jobs, I just feel better if they dont. Well, thats not really true, I dont mind woman doctors, police and lawyers. Not fireman, leave me one fantasy intact please.
In saying this, I wasnt at all keen on the pilot that took me to London in the first place.
I was flying Aurigny, which is the channel islands airline. After hearing the obligitory welcome onboard that the captain gives (usually useless information about cruising speed and altitude etc), which was a plesantly soothing english accent, this staticy announcement came over the sound system in what could only have been described as a thick russian accent saying 'Fliught crue seats for takeovf' I was not comforted. Particularly when I got back to London and discovered I had inadvertently managed to smuggle some liquid on board. I nearly died when I found the lipstick in my bag but then security obviously never cared so why should I??! Actually, my discomfort began long before that. Like when we landed at Gatwick. The pilot never really slowed down so at the end of the runway we turned and pulled up to the gate with a screech not unlike a formula one car. I thought I was going to die.
Otherwise I have had a most pleasant weekend. I spent it in London with my couins so was good to talk to someone who has known me for longer than 5 minutes, as seems to be with all my transient travelling friends. Also, I had been feeling a bit down lately, but getting back to London puts it all in perspective...there are tons of people there more loser-y than me so it was a small boost. Also, you only have to read the 'desparately seeking' page of the TNT to know you are not the biggest looser on the planet...those people are.
At the moment I am trying to decide where to go on holiday next. I had more or less decided to go on a tour through Croatia and Hungary and ending in London. I had all but booked and then I read the small print. You had to do a lot of helping out on the tour and it was also in tents. Now I have a fantasy that I am a bit of an earth mother type but I am not. I get angry if it rains and my shoes get wet so the small home comforts that are absent in a tent, such as being able to stand when dressing, are paramount to the level of enjoyment I will get on a holiday. needless to say that tour is no longer the top contender. I dont want to dismiss it totally though as it would be an experience, in patience if nothing else. Otherwise I pretty much dont know where to go. Its a combination of lack of money and time that make the choice so difficult. I seriously fancy a skiing or snowboarding one but I cant do either of those things so unfortunately thats a no go. I thought maybe an England and Ireland one but its not totally the best weather to be doing that....I would prefer to wait till summer. Of course, if I get a job I wont be going anywhere.
As for the capsule lifestyle I mentioned in the last entry, I still can only dream about it. To me a capsule lifestyle is one where you merrily skip though life with just the barest of essentials. You have maybe a small purse or a wallet and thats it. Nothing it too hard for you as you dont have a sack of 'essentials' to carry with you. I am not this person. I will never be this person. Apart from a small bag fetish, I seem to always be carrying stuff wherever I go. It seriously pisses me off. I dont know wha I need all this stuff, only that I do. This isnt one of those tales of woe where the woman carries around her life in her handbag, oh no. I dont even have a brush in mine, its just all brochures, phamplets, umbrella, sunglasses, glasses, wallet, phone, ID, keys etc etc. HOWEVER, I have almost mastered the capsule lifestyle ideal that I strive for. Its because I live 22 steps from work (I counted them) so if I need something I just go home and get it. Its only a small start but I am happy with it. My hands are free to browse (if there was anything in Guernsey worth browsing) and if I fall over nothing scatters (this is by far the best reward). I hope this doesnt mean I always have to live this close to work. It only works here as I cant actually see my department from my room. I like to imagine I could be anywhere.
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Channeling good times...
Firstly, my job agency called me at the eleventh hour to offer me 2 different jobs. The first he said " in London but I dont want to lie to you, you are looking at an hour and a half travel each way every day." OK I thought, better than no job. "..And the other is in Guernsey!!!". Now I wont lie, I didnt have the first clue where Guernsey was. He was already continuing "they fly you out there, pay for almost all of your rent, its an all new nurses hostel....." blah blah blah. All I really heard was that they flew me out there so it mush be somewhere exotic, as obviously there are no airports in dull places (that is not true for Palmerston North, I think they have an airport, and so does Hamilton.) I jumped at the Guernsey one and then looked it up on the net. Well I first discovered that is was one of the Channel Islands (had only heard of Jersey before) and that is was mega close to France. Infact, asking some people at work, they had me convinced that it would be just like being IN France, while obviously being in the UK. Kinda. I was sooooooo pleased I got the job, even though its for 8 weeks only.
Things have been drama from the word go. I flinished work on Friday and flew out on the Sunday and started here on the Monday! But the drama began on Sunday.
After I finished packing, I decided to curse my way to the airport via the tube (even thought the bus would have been waaaaaaaay easier I realised at the tube stop). I got to Victoria and got a ticket to Gatwick heaps cheaper than I thought as I have a young persons card! Oh hooray for clinging to youth! The train was in 10 minutes so caught that no bother. Now, I wish I could be like Posh, Colleen, Cameron and the like, but I am not. I am not glamarous enough for airline travel. I first went to the wrong terminal (mistaking BE for BA). Wouldn't be so bad if you were in Auckland and you just walk the 10 steps back the way but you have to catch a train between tham at Gatwick. Embarrassing.
I then checked in and they guy said to me (probably as I was about 4 hours early) "just keep your eyes on the departure screens". No problemo. I then messed about the shops...bought a few mags and a book (un-necessary, the flight is only 40 minutes) and then had dinner etc etc till I decided to go through customs and to the gate. It was 7pm. My flight was at 7.45. The gate closed at 7.35. I got to customs and the line was out the door!! I was in a bit of a panic so tried to pick the fastest moving line, only to find that once you are behind the screens the 4 lines mrege into one. I got through the bag x-ray at 7.37 and looked at the board to see my flight flashing GATE CLOSING. I nearly died!! Apart from the fact I never paid for the flight, it was the last one of the day. I ran all the way to the gate, which was naturally, as you would expect, miles away. I arrived a sweaty, panting mess. Only to find, the bastards hadnt even started boarding yet!!! I managed to catch my breath before they did.
On the plane things were not getting better. I was seated at the window near the wings. For some reason, the overhead lockers here are smaller than all the others on the plane. I choose to ignore that though and held up everyone trying to get on as I vainly tried to force my bag into the overhead. It hadnt clicked that the bag was much bigger than that space, which which could have fitted a paperback at most. I threw my bag down in dispair (did I mention I am seated near the front so the whole plane can see me??) Someone kindly suggested putting it at my feet but as I had exceeded the 1 piece of handluggage rule that was not possible.
I made my way up to the front of the plane to tell the air hostess. Yes, I forced my way against the tide of people trying to be seated, bag in my hand. She told me to take it down the back and they would sort it out later. So I did just that, only to be told to put it anywhere I liked. So it was 9 rows back from me.
Anywho, we stopped in Jersey first as we had som Jersey passengers on board. Was good as we were flying so low I could see everything, not that I knew what antything was. After they Jersey people got off, they had to check all the handluggage to amke sure no one had left anything on (like a bomb presumably). They went though and called out the coulour of the bags that were in the overhead lockers. You guessed it, seeing as mine was 9 rows back from me, I missed them calling it out and as a result they were about to eject it from the plane and quite possible detonate it. Luckily I managed to jump up in my seat and yell that it was mine.
Honestly, Guernsey is not a big place and I am sure my reputation is 'nutter' already.
Anyway, after all that I am too exhausted to relive my capsule lifestyle capturing so will leave that for next time.
Au revoir!
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Drama drama
Otherwise, before potential destitution threatened (isn't it funny how destitution and prostitution have a similar ring to them?) I managed a trip to Stonehenge and Bath. Stonehenge was a giant yawn. You cant get anywhere near the stones and most of the other tourists there looked like about the same vintage of some of the rocks. It was something that I thought must be done though (at least lonely planet seemed to think so). Bath was next and I really really liked it a lot. Went into the Roman baths (bit boring after Rome itself) and managed to push my way around. I had a little listening commentary thingy like a mobile phone that you put to your ear and get a commentary after putting in certain numbers depending where you are standing. My first handset alarmed when I first put a number in. I had to traipse all the way through the baths with it screaming, getting very dirty looks. My second one didnt want to work at all which although irritating, let me get out of there faster. I am sure some of the commentaries were "now are you looking at the relics? Now stop where you are and stand still. Yes thats right, block the path for everyone and irritate the people behind you. Ignore them bumping into you". It was mad full of people.
My cousins are coming soon so am looking forward to that...hopefully I will have a job so we can do some wild and crazy things. Like go shopping. And also to the ministry of sound. That one I cannot wait for. Ah I need a job!!
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Dooo deee doooo
Well I am still supporting England in the world cup....especially now that Australia are out! My new workmates and I watched the England game (I forget against who) and it was thrilling. Otherwise I have been keeping in with Kiwi tradition and went to the Red Back on Saturday night with my flatmates. One of them warned me to wear dark colours and just as well she did as I had snakebite all over me by the end of the night. I was a big sticky mess but so was everyone. I guess you have to visit one antipodean pub while you are here so now I have done my dash thats it....even though its just up the road I wont be back! I had a surreal moment in there where I thought I had become a bogan since I got to London as I was in the Red Back, drinking snakebite and listening to a cover band play Metallica wiuth a bunch of Australians. I think I need to do something classy this weekend to get over that!!
Actually this weekend I am off to Glasgow so that should be good.....I never managed to get cheap flights on so I am taking the bus!! I don't care I am an expert on long bus journeys now! Thanks Contiki you are good for something.
Anyway still dont have a chance to put pics on but will be getting my laptop over soon now I have an address so will connect it to the internet and do it all then! Hurrah!
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Con con contiki
Anyway Contiki was ultra fabbo. I had the greatest time ever and I wish I was still on it!! I have seen so many things and been so many places now its amazing. The night I got back there was a thing about Italy on the TV and they had a bit on Verona and the balcony of Juliet and I was all amazed as I had been there, was a bit surreal.
Otherwise I will try and update what I did and the like when I am able to with pics and everything else. I am currently in a hostel and while the internet is free, I am not sure how to add pics on without saving them to this very dodgy computer. Hmm.
Anyway, I am all settled in London now....I got a job before I left on the Contiki (thankfully or that would have been another worry) and just a couple of days ago I got a flat sorted out too. Its close enough to my work that I can walk to work (obviously not when it is raining though!) and is in a kind of residential area so I wont be tempted to go out drinking every night. Phew. After contiki I was thinking that I may have become an alcoholic....thats thanks to all the Sangria in Spain....that stuff was like sweet sweet alcholic juice, mmmmmmm.
Anyway nothing much else to report here.....I love getting e-mails telling me whats been happening so keep me updated! I start work on Monday so I will have to have something to keep me entertained at work and replying to e-mails is perfect. I have only had one bout of home-sickness and that was more just missing familiar faces rather than New Zealand itself!! Sorry!!
Oh well, England is in the grip of world cup fever and thankfully they won tonight so I expect everyone to be in a good mood tomorrow....fingers crossed. Oh and I am supporting England too by the way!
Sunday, May 14, 2006
London Town!!
I have been spending a lot of time with one of my cousins and she has managed to get me into a fair bit of drunken trouble so that has been fun. We went out on Thursday night in Glasgow and went to about 8 different bars. The funniest part of the night was that I could understand what everyone was saying very well (thanks mum) but no one could understand me. I think sometimes however that may have been a ruse to just get closer to my face. At one point this dude I was talking to had so much trouble understanding me that he asked the barmaid for a bit of paper so I could write it down!! I am sure I am not that foreighn but apparently so. Went out last night here in London and no one had any problems understanding me but that might be because I didnt speak to any actual English people.
I dont have much planned for the few days I am here...have to get my bearings today and figure out where I have to go on Monday and Tuesday to meet the job recruiters I have been in contact with. Will need to buy an A-Z for that.
I have just noticed that this internet cafe is full of really old couples. Mental I am like the youngest person here.
Nothing much else to report....I have a ton of really nice pictures but since I can't figure out how to get them onto this computer I will have to leave them for the moment...shame as they are all really nice sunny ones!
I am actually feeling quite crap today but that has just been since I arrived in London so I think it might be something about getting used to the atmosphere here. I think I am off aout again tonight but will see as I am not overkeen about figuring out the underground by myself in the dark...especially as I have no idea which areas are the dodgy ones.
Oh well on Wed morning I am off on my trip....I am excited but also a bit nervous....I doubt I will be able to update much from there as I wont know the languages but I can try!
Monday, May 01, 2006
Last Minute..
Otherwise my last day at work was good....barely got much work done but did feel very celebrity like as everyone wanted to talk to me and wish me well which was really nice. They gave me a greenstone pendant which I LOVE (but sadly I am not able to fit the lovely box into my bag!!) and some vouchers....if anyone from work reads this I bought a merino wool jumper from Esprit which I love.
Seeing everyone and seaying goodbye has been a bit strange as I dont feel like there is no one I am not going to see again! Especially as so manypeople seem to have travel plans at the moment...if you all follow through 6 of you will be with me before the end of the year and 4 of you will be here in NZ! So mentalist.
I promised you all fame so here are farewell party pics so now you know you are on the internet (in a good way)

Sunday, April 16, 2006
Saying Goodbyes....
Well time to leave is getting closer and closer and already I have had to say some goodbyes! I bid adieu to Clare the other week which was sad but also my first proper goodbye so it felt a bit weird. We went for lunch at The Penny Black where Clare very kindly treated me! Thanks chick! (and now you get to see your name in internet glory)
Otherwise I have finally begun packing. For awhile now I have been buying bits and pieces to take with me and have been just putting them in my wardrobe. To say I have totally underestimated how much I have bought would be an understatement. I have SOOOOOOO much stuff, I have no idea how I am going to fit it all into 2 suitcases (thank god I am going the US route). I seem to have gone a bit mad at Kathmandu also, buying many more packing cells than one person would ever need. Hmmm oh well.
Well its still Easter so I am off to have more yummy eggs after a relaxing day (doing nothing!) at Waiheke....felt quite touristy with all my pics but was a great day all the same (and now Craig and Amy your names get internet glory also...thanks again for inviting me). Oh and the Easter egg hunt was great!
Happy Easter!
Sunday, April 02, 2006
Cheap Thrills

I finally have my tickets!!!! SO exciting. I collected them and then went home and looked at them and immediately felt like a bit of a dick as there isnt any actually tickets (so was in a panic) until was pointed out to me that they are e-tickets. hmmm.
I am flying from Auckland to Los Angeles with Qantas, then on to London

It's a bit weird as all my plans just end on June 10th....nothing booked or anything after then. Is slightly freaky but sure it will be more freaky when I am actually

Also I have finally resigned from work. It wasnt much of a shock to anyone as its kind of a hard thing to hide when half the people you work with are references for you. Is a bit final though, and not so good when I realise that I only have 2 pay-days left. Thats more than a bit freaky. I worry constantly that I wont have enough money! Hopefully selling my car will help me along a bit there.
Until it gets closer and I have to tidy up my act a bit and get packing, I am just reading up on everywhere I will be staying in Europe. Its so exciting! Still a few little things to pick up...and countdown into the twenties now......
Special Congratulations to Alex and Kelvin on their nuptuals last
weekend! It was awesome guys!!
Also Congratulations to Marie and Shane on their engagement...will see you
guys soon!

Sunday, March 05, 2006
Otherwise, time is ticking down slowly still. I think I will feel better when I resign as that will seem more final. It will also be the most terror-filled part as I dont cope well with no job and no money coming in regularly. I do worry about things like getting a flat as how can I know what I can afford if I am earning nothing and have no idea what my earning potential is??
Weatherwise, NZ has entered autumn well and truly as of March 1st. I have been freezing....real 'I-am-not-getting-up-bed-is-so-warm-in-my-flannel-pijamas' kind of weather. I have been trying hard to be brave about it though as I realise I am going to colder than the pitiful 13 degrees I am complaining about (well 9 one morning).
As you can tell I really have no news, just felt I was due to update.
Oh, I have been in contact with 2 of the other people booked on the same contiki trip as me. One is a 19 year old Canadian girl and the other is a 26 year old Aussie/ Indonesian. I havent heard much from Lauren (the Canadian) but Melissa (the Aussie/ Indonesian) seems really nice. She is going to be in London before the tour starts so might try and meet up with her then. In between activating my bank account, meeting recruitment consultants, getting and NI number, doing one of the podcast walking tours and buying a sleeping bag! (Yes, I have a list to remind me of all of that)
56 days to go!
Sunday, February 19, 2006
....ho hum....
At the moment tho the last thing I feel like thinking about is leaving. I stil have heaps to do but I just can be arsed at the moment so am just leaving it all......the job agencies will be thrilled with me. Its just too much to think about this week, and last week.
In the meanwhile, I have been playing a lot with my iPod and found out you can download all kinds of podcasts on all different things....I geekily have downloaded a couple of walking tour ones for London and some other travel and UK related ones but more interestingly there are audio blogs, like this only people rambling about whatever they like. Weird!! I am yet to lis

Otherwise YAY I won tickets to go see Girls Aloud tomorrow so could NOT be more excited. I love the Girls Aloud!! (more the clothes and style than the music it must be said)
Sunday, February 12, 2006
Lantern Festival

Tonight I went to the Chinese Lantern Festival in Albert Park in Auckland. It was wicked! All the beautiful lanterns and soooooooo many people! Heaps and heaps of stuff for sale,

Otherwise I just have some pics of the festival, not sure if they reflect the atmosphere but it was great.
It has not escaped my attention that altho this was designed to be a blog detailing my exploits overseas, it has become a blog about what I am doing in NZ. Hmm Altho, in preparation for going I have bought an iPod which I LOVE! I have spent so long putting songs and album art on, to the point that if I loose it I dont think I would get another, would be too much work to recreate all that! Oh well, on to lantern of an ipod prob arent exciting.

Monday, February 06, 2006
Music and Fun-times
January 20th was the Big Day Out.....oh Franz Ferdinand I love you!! Was a very good day, the silent disco being another funny, all wearing headphones tuned into the one DJ, all dancing and in many cases also singing and clapping. For the ultimate in amusement take the headphones off and hear how out of tune and time people are. Hysterical.

Today was the George FM Groove in the Park, at the Domain in Auckland. Was a stunning day.....spent under the trees in the sunshine. Was quite far from the stage but could hear Salmonella Dub and they were wicked. I just felt like falling asleep, was very relaxing. Instead I just sat and ate and read.
I am going to try and make a plan for something to do every weekend before I go...hopefully involving seeing a lot of friends. I have so much yet to do that I am becoming very forgetful! Is a souce of anusement for people who realise I am usually terribly organised.
11 weekends to go! I cant believe it!
Wednesday, January 04, 2006
Holiday holiday
Woohoo the weather has just been fabbo lately, so fabbo infact that I am all burnt.
In light of being back at work today (and on call! boohoo!) I am posting some nice hot looking holiday pics, ironic considering it rained today, all day.
This is Andrea and I posing outside our handiwork, yes we erected the tent all by our clever selves.......Andrea while wearing heels! Aah camping is not really for us!
This is at Waipu for the Highland games but the above one is Rangitoto Island in the Waitemata harbour, Auckland. How tropical looking!