Well first was my birthday!! Was totally spoiled by all and had a really really nice day. I got lots of presents including 2 jewlery boxes, lots of clothes from mum, jewlery from a few people, a gorgeous dress, bottle of wine etc etc. Was so nice!! My friend Alicia took me to dinner also and it was really nice!! 3 courses and a glass of champange and hot staff, very nice!
Lazy and broke remainder of week....only went out to Pilates (argh!!) oh and I forgot, to a bar on Thursday night where there was 1.50 spirits (Belushis in Camden!) and I got much too drunk but somehow found some pool skills. Urgh.
Friday I felt a bit rough in the morning but had to perk up for Friday night! I had birthday drinks at Tiger Tiger in the city, which considering recent events is quite strange! It was great and lots of my lovely friends made it! My camera broke almost as soon as we arived (and for Megan, who had travelled up from Bratnell, and me that was happy hour!) but Alana had hers thank goodness and so took a few pics to commemorate the coming of age! I finally had to concede defeat at nearly 3am...not bad considering I arrived at 6.15pm!

Saturday I was a bit of a goner.....sooooooooooo hungover. I finally scraped myself out of bed around 12 as had to go to another party for another birthday that night! I managed to rough it to Mango first though and spend 80 quid in the sales!! OK so doing better by not shopping at cheap shops but budget and savings not a goer! Bah. I didnt last very long at the party, partly due to the hangover, despite the fruit filled pims I was being fed, and partly due to the fact the rain was washing off the bronzer on my legs!! Embarrassing!! I went home and fell into bed!
Sunday was a lazy afternoon at Brent Cross looking about the shops before also coming home and falling straight to sleep!
Week just passed was not too eventful as I was recovering from weekend previous and also saving energy for weekend ahead.
I had to get some baby presents for my cousins baby I was off to visit (awwww). To be honest the fiasco took me awhile and makes me wonder if I ever want children!! That was Tuesday night. Wednesday night was Pilates, god am so dedicated. Am sadly not svelt in manner of Giselle just yet. Thursday night I caught the train to Glasgow! I got the 11.30pm overnight train which luckily had some space on it so I wasnt too squashed in. It was like being in some kind of open air pig farm with all the snoring! Luckily Coldplay drowned that out. I am not usually a fan but it seemed to suit the weather.

Friday when I arrived in Glasgow I got the bus to Cairndow and was then collected by Linda and Lucie and baby Anna!! She is gorgeous!! The whole rest of the weekend was all spent relaxing at my auntys house and awwing over Anna. Sunday I caught the 6pm train back to London....its the first time I have ever taken the train and what a lucky time to pick! I got back to loads of police at Kings Cross at midnight so decided to cab it home!
So this week: last night I almost fell asleep on the way home on the tube so did some food shopping then came in and went right to sleep! Tonight was dinner with Tanya, Ashley and Megan at Wagamamas in Covent Garden which was yummy as usual....even managed desert! Tomorrow I am planning pilates AND a run! I dont have much else planned for week, Tour De France is on Saturday and Sunday so want to see some of that. Otherwise I really do need to save something for all the travelling I want to do...at the moment I seem to think the money is just going to materialise from somewhere! Bah!
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