Well as of today, I have exactly 126 days till I am up up and away. Freaky pete much. Altho I have all my tickets and stuff organised (praise be) and most of my travel-esq type things that I will need (thanks santa), I still feel like I need something else. Any of you will know however that I usually have that soft spot towards shopping. Well Boxing day today, all the sales have started so I should be able to get more stuff I need in the sales. Of course 'need' is a very broad definition!
One of my fav things I got for Christmas was a St Christopher medallion. Not being at all religious it is a strange thing for me to want but him being the patron saint of travellers I wanted one. I like to know all about things so here is some guff about him from the Patron Saints index:
St Christopher: Third Century Martyr. His fame derives from the pious legend of
him being a "Christ-bearer" (= Christopher). He was a powerfully built man who
wandered the world in search of novelty and adventure. He came upon a hermit who
lived beside a dangerous stream and served others by guiding them to safe places
to cross. He gave Offero (Christopher) instruction in the truth of God. Offero
took the hermit's place, but instead of guiding travellers, he carried them
safely across the stream. One day he carried a small child across the stream;
the child's weight nearly crushed him. When they arrived on the other side, the
child revealed himself as Christ, and he was so heavy because he bore the weight
of the world on himself. He then baptised Offero with water from the stream.
Christopher's service at the stream led to his patronage of things related to
travel and travellers, people who carry things, etc.

As you can see Christmas was excellent otherwise! These are some pics of me and some family members in various ststes of inebriation. Yay for Christmas!
I cant believe my next Christmas will be in the cold (snow?? Fingers crossed!) and may well resemble a Christmas card!
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