Sunday, March 11, 2007

Another Busy Weekend

Well the last couple of weeks have been busy as usual....
Last week I was out Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday nights and then felt so tired I didnt have much of a weekend! Monday I caught up with some friends from my last work. It was someones birthday and so I had to cradle a plant on the very very crowded tube!! It survived OK and then started to wilt in the very smoky pub! I have seen a pic though and it survived!
Tuesday night I had a kind of date which was lots of fun!! Went to dinner and a kind of bar which was good fun....something I love about London, every time you meet someone new you find new places to go!
Wednesday was dinner with some friends who wanted the goss on the night before! There wasnt much goss to give though but the conversation was excellent anyway!! I think we were louder than the whole restaurant!
Friday a friend came over and stayed the night and we had a few drinks (New Zealand wine!!) and some food and lots of laughs. Next day we went shopping and then stupidly lugged all our bags to the movies! We saw music and lyrics which had a lot of potential that it failed to meet. Bummer. Was fun anyway. Sunday I finally had a relax!
This week I was determined to have a quiet week as its getting far away from my last payday and I am starting to feel it! However, on Tuesday I went out with another friend I hardly ever see.....we had a nice Chinese meal and then kinda went clubbing! On a Tuesday! Was good fun though even though there was no talent at all!
Friday night I went for dinner with some friends and one of their mothers who is over from Australia. Was a hysterical night!! Its nice to have someones mother here sometimes! We finished up early though and I made a long overdue call home as I finally got my landline connected.
Saturday I had another date which was hysterically fun as involved bumper cars! Was very good. I wasn meant to be meeting up with some other friends later but they were a bit too drunk so never happened.
On Sunday (today) I had lunch with some friends at a creperie (didnt know they could be so niiiiiiiice....salmon and potato...yum!!) and then went to the Kylie Exhibition at the Victoria and Albert Museum. It was fantastic!!!! Loads and loads of her costumes all in one area. Most of them were fantastic but may were a bit naff. Was excellent considering it was freeeeeeeeeeeee
As for next week, I have 3 things lined up but like to keep it all open as who knows what goes on with St Patricks day next weekend! Yay!!

Monday, March 05, 2007

Almost Spring!

I would like to say that the weather is getting nicer and nicer but all last night and all today it has been raining raining raining!! The only good thing about that is that it would have been a good opportunity to clear up my room and do some boring stuff like washing.
I say would have been as obviously, that is not what I did. I bought a donut and a magazine and lazed all day! Its much easier to be lazy now I have the internet at home as there is always something to look at!

At the moment I am trying to decied what to do for the next couple of thinking of maybe going to Bath if I get the chance and nothing else comes up. Other than that I am planning on coming back to NZ for a visit in Feb next year but will have some holidays left over so plan to use them maybe going to Egypt. I dont want to go much longer than 8 or so days so that should be OK.
Anyway hopefully now I am out of the dark ages and onto broadband I am hoping I can load some pics up......

Yay yay!!! Working as you can see.....

This is me at the Plitvice Lakes National Park in Croatia last September...sooooooooooo nice!!!

More of the lakes on the left.....the pictures do it no is 16 lakes all joined together with waterfalls....very very breathtaking!

Of course, no pictures I post would be complete without some alcohol related ones.....

First, one of Anna, Nicole, Andrea and I at the Guiness Brewery in Dublin.....

Was a fantastic time, owed in large to Andrea ferrying us all around in the Lambulance.

Finally, quite a drunk one from Australia day....from a part of the night I remember thankfully!